Sunday, May 16, 2010

Project Lost & Found

I have come to a point in my life of self-evaluation and re-invention. This blog is helping me take those thoughts that rattle around in my head and turn them into reality. I started thinking that I would like to find key players from my past or some that may have been. This is where Project Lost & Found begins. I will try to find four people.
  1. Jessica Zipperman (Bff of childhood in LA)

This is the same girl that introduced me to heavy metal but when New Kids on the Block arrived on the scene she jumped ship and all her Ozzy posters & her Cinderella (group not Disney character) pillow were ditched for the likes of Joey. We lived in the same apartment complex and our moms were best friends as well. Her family came from Canada and her dad Gary was always gone on tour with Rod Stewart. Her mom loved SOAPS and salt n' vinegar chips. Our cats were married in a formal ceremony that we arranged. Jessica and I used to get into hair pulling fights and we shared one of my most cherished Christmas memories screaming in joy over the coveted Cabbage patch Kid doll. My doll had red hair and was named Margo, I still have her!

  1. Mike Pappas (1st boyfriend in grade school)

I met Mike in 3rd grade or at least close to this time. We found we liked each other through playing the game ZAP! I had his name on my hand and my name was on his hand. So I guess that made us an item. He wasn't able to attend my birthday party so his parents took us out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, again the details are fuzzy but I think this is close. I moved away and that was the end of that. I want to find this guy to see the difference in the memory of men and women. My girlfriends all remember the little details of names of guys from their past and when I ask my husband he has no clue. It strikes me as funny that I could potentially find this person and he will have no clue to who am I or what I am talking about.

  1. Laurie Kuusisto (Big Sister program)

One of the most influential people of my life, there are not enough posts to demonstrate the power of this relationship. We did so much together, I even lived in her home. I was a junior bridesmaid in her sister's wedding...still till this day the best wedding I ever went to. I moved away, story of my life, and lost the connection.

  1. ??? Kanable ( half-sister)

This one may be the trickiest. I need to find out her first name. It may seem weird that I don't know but it's not. I was raised by a single mom and did not have contact with my dad. I met him for the first time at the age of 12. I saw him a handful of times but decided I didn't like his crude behavior and never attempted to keep the connection, nor did he. The story that I heard was that he remarried and had a child and like the first time around he ended up divorced and the mom and daughter moved to Florida. Same scenario with us except to California. I am now curious since I have no other siblings.

After find them I will post the reunion stories or the non-reunion and what methods worked for finding them or if it was not possible at all. Wish me luck!

P.S. I am listening to Peter Frampton Comes Alive will writing this blog.

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