Wednesday, April 14, 2010

When I Grow Up.....

Okay so I'm in this mad frenzy to figure out my life and where my career will lead me or how I will lead my career. SO it got me thinking about when I was little and what I said I would be when I grew up......I think my first career aspiration was to be a ballerina, I used to go to the Joffrey ballet and was completely be spelled. Classical training I do not have and frankly my body type does not scream prima ballerina.

SO career number 2, I wanted to be an advertising executive(no joke), it was around the time of Who's The Boss and Angela the ad exec. I used to come up with slogans and write them in a notebook.

This dream was short lived when we had two hunky FBI agents move into our apartment building at 1818 Stoner Avenue. Weird the stuff we remember as kids. So anyway they were great and the one guy helped me with my math homework and then this movie FEDS came out with Rebecca De Mornay and that just cemented my decision. I changed paths yet once again but this is the one I think would have been fun to try, but alas as I have learned of late my age hinders this career path. I'm probably too sympathetic for this field anyway so next stop..writer!

SO the first year of junior high and consequently the last year for my life in California I wrote a playwright for Drama class. Drama class was a major deal in L.A., it is not anything like the Drama clubs that I have been apart of in the Midwest. It seems everyone wanted to be an actor and the productions were big and competitive and apart of the curriculum. So our first assignment was to create a playwright and one would be chosen to perform. As you can guess mine was chosen and I vaguely remember something about pea pods, unfortunately is was never to be seen. I was whisked away to the Midwest by my own insistence, who knew mothers took 12 year daughters so serious. This is where my life is completely transformed and culture shock sets in(These are stories for another day and they will come).

SO I think this is where complacency sets in and being a teenager was about fun and hanging with friends and my look to the future was what the next weekend held.

I didn't really know what I wanted to do next so I decided I would go to school for psychology, I think I craved the neurotic because I could relate and it reminds me of characters from my L.A. life. This too was short lived and I switched my focus to journalism. I think, this is it! I would make a great TV personality unfortunately I wasn't considering the journalistic aspect. I just wanted to be me, think Kelly Ripa and Regis.

SO then a career choice was made for me...the hardest that I have ever encountered. Drum roll please.....MOM!!! So unbelievably scary but the best adventure of all times. I excelled at the position and was promoted two more times. MOM x 3!!

SO as exciting as this position was and still is, it's ever changing, I wanted something more. More you say....Yes, I say "More". I joined the work force and got a big dose of reality. The job I encountered did not pay me my worth. I was a fit consultant for Louie's Tux Shop and I did great, the customers loved me. Big male demographic, go figure. I worked seven months and was offered a promotion as manager. All I could think of was , This is it?

SO new path and I decided I was going to go back to school, graduate, and get paid my worth. This is when I got serious and I started thinking what do I like to do. My first thought was I love to workout and I could be a personal trainer. This idea was quickly squashed when I realized that I would have to teach people about exercise and health. The word teach is like a dirty word in my vocabulary, I don't want to teach squat. I have no patience and am quick tempered, I don't want to have to make people cry because I think they just don't get it and never will.

SO the next idea was like the biggest revelation of my LIFE! I could attend the Art Institute for fashion design. I never realized my love of fashion could be a job. Something I loved, something I considered a hobby had potential for my Career? Quickly I realized fashion design was again a younger persons area so I changed to Fashion Merchandising & Management. It is all encompassing in the fashion industry and deals with the business end. SO ME! I am less than a year from graduating and now have to narrow down that focus even more.

SO it looks like the hunt is still on and it's a journey I will continue to document it through this blog. I am also going to start a weekly series called Learn by Example, if you know me or have ever encountered me chances are you will get a cameo in this blog series.

SO beware I have decided to make my life an open book, my husband's take on this "Don't ever open the whole book". I told him not to worry it's like I'm a comedian and using my life as a bit. Comedian.... that could have been another career possibility, as well as wrestler and ultimate fighting champion. Can you tell I have grandiose ideas about my life?

SO When I grow up......

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing! I can't wait to hear about what was going through your mind when you came to Kokomo from L.A.!
